Faith-based lending takes various forms across different religious traditions. Many religious groups in Canada prohibit usury or the charging of interest. Faith-based lending is rooted in our Western tradition. The Christian community has historically frowned upon usurious practices with varying interpretations. Various non-bank solutions have been developed to service these communities of interest. In the Jewish community, there are Kosher/Halacha-compliant mortgages, and in the Muslim community, there is Halal Financing based on Islam’s legal system.

This document asks and answers some basic questions on Halal Financing in Canada.

  • What is Faith-Based Lending?
  • What is Halal Financing?
  • What is the state of Halal finance across the G7?
  • Canadians presently Unserved by Traditional Banks?
  • What is the average profile of a Halal borrower?
  • Is Halal Financing relevant to the non-muslim borrowing community?
  • Types of Halal Financing?
  • Can there be Early Repayment?

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  • Gary Schwartz


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